A Quick Round Up for January

A lot has happened since I last posted here!! Time for a brief round up…

The Swan Workshop planned for 29/11/14 got cancelled because on the 27/11/14 I was taken into hospital with suspected acute appendicitis. (Which turned out to be gangrenous! Information overshare? Let me know)

This was rescheduled for the next Purple Feather event, which is this Sunday 01/02/15 at Weeley.

I started seeing clients again a couple of weeks ago, but still have to take it easy.

In the meantime was Christmas and New Year, which was great, but very quiet due to my recovery.

I’ve been to London a couple of times, mostly to work on some new projects that will hopefully happen later in the year, but I also had a lot of fun while I was there – more about that later in the year…

And finally, I’ve been speaking to the guys at Shakes ‘n Baps Burger Restaurant in Sudbury, and they have confirmed that it’s perfectly within the rules to enter their Chilli Dog Challenge whilst under hypnosis, so with their approval I’m looking for willing volunteers to see if this is possible.

I think that’s all the most important updates – let me know if you’re interested in eating 3 chilli dogs under hypnosis!!